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Admin/Moderator Guidelines

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Admin/Moderator Guidelines Empty Admin/Moderator Guidelines

Post by _Eternal Tue Apr 09, 2013 9:47 am

These are guidelines that all moderators or administrators must use when taking action. If not it can result in loss of powers.

If the griefer is online when you spot a grief, jail them and talk it through. After the talk you can ban them depending on the size of the grief.
Use /co inspect to check who griefed an area. If you need to rollback, remember to use "u:[Player]". See more information in the command guidelines.

Minor Grief (1 - 5 blocks): 1 - 24 Hour ban.
Medium Grief (5 - 10 Blocks): 1 Day - 5 Days ban.
Major Grief (10 - 20 Blocks): 5 Day - 10 Days ban.
Biga*s Grief (20 - 30 Blocks): 2 Weeks ban.
Bigfu**ing Grief (30 - 40 Blocks): 3 Weeks ban.
That's a grief alright (40+ Blocks): 1 Month - 2 Month ban.

If a grief is bigger then above report to me and I will deal with it.

Hacking is not allowed on this server. Busting someone for hacking is quite hard now when the server has cheat protection.
Report to me if you suspect someone, try to get proof with screenshots/video and submit it in the "Report Player" category.

Killing near spawn
Killing near spawn is NOT allowed. New players may not be aware of the command /PvP and they shouldn't be welcomed with death.
Warn the player to stop, if they ignore jail them for 5 minutes. If they still ignore, tempban for 2 Hours.
If they come back after 2 hours, still spawnkilling, tempban for another 2 hours etc...

Swearing on the server is allowed, but saying it towards anyone is not, for example: "Fuck you" is not allowed, while "Fuck I lost my sword" is.
If people argue tell them to stick to /msg if they want to argue with eachother. If they do not mute them for 5 minutes
[IMPORTNANT] Remember to unmute, or else the mute will be permanent.
If they still disrespect kick them with a proper reason.

Abuse of /nick or username
If a player tries to impersonate another player, disable their nick if possible, if not, use /whois [nick] to get information about the player incl username. Tell them to change, if they disobey kick them. If they come back and continue, tempban for 3 hours.

Ban bypass
If a player change username to bypass a ban, use /whois and check if their IP match. If they do, report to me.

1. Warn the player, if they continue use step 2.
2. Kick the player, if they continue use step 3.
3. Temporary ban the player for 24 Hours, if they continue use step 4.
4. Temporary ban the player for a week.

1. Warn the player, if they continue use step 2.
2. Mute the player for a few minutes, if they continue use step 3.
3. Kick the player, if they continue use step 4.
4. Temporary ban the player for 5 hours.

Using a language in chat that's not english
1. Tell the user to use /msg for a different language, if they continue use step 2.
2. Kick the player with a proper reason, if they continue use step 3.
3. Mute the player for a few minutes, if they continue use step 4.
4. Temporary ban the player for 3 hours.

Lying to an admin is not allowed. If you are using this rule when asking a player something, it must be "rules" relevant. You cannot ask something personal. Use common sense.
1. Kick the player with a proper reason, if they continue use step 2.
2. Temporary jail the player for 15 minutes, if they continue use step 3.
3. Temporary ban the player for 3 hours.

-------- Command Guidelines --------

-- Vanish --
/[Vanish] (toggle)
Only enter vanish if you need to spy on a player if you suspect that they are breaking rules. No players except for _Eternal will be able to see you.

-- Kick --
/[Kick] [Player] [Reason]
Only kick after warning a player. When kicking ALWAYS use a reason.

-- Jail --
/[Jail] [User] [Jail] [time] (Time: h = hour. m = minute. s = seconds. Example: /jail griefer jail 10m)
Use this if you want to try to put some common sense in the player, or talk something through.
If you do not have access to /tempban use this instead. I appreciate Admins that use this instead of banning.

-- Inspect --
/Co Inspect (toggle)
Use this when you need to find out who placed/broke a block.

-- TPO --
/TPO [Player]
Teleports you to the player without the player accepting the teleport. Only use if necessary.

-- Fly --
/Fly (toggle)
Use this command to help you watch over the players, not just for fun.

-- Creative --
/GM (toggle)
Changes your gamemode between Survival and Creative.
Read Admin/Moderator rules for more information.

-- Temporary ban --
/tempban [player] [time] (s=Second, minute=Minute, d=Day, w=Week, month=Month, y=Year) Example: /tempban griefer 2d
Only tempban if you are allowed (Read the Actions guideline)

-- Who Is...? --
/whois [nick/username]
Displays the players: IP Adress, Username, Nickname, Gamemode, if muted, if OP, if Godmode, money, location on the world, XP and Health.

Administrators have access to more commands then Moderators. Be aware that if you are a moderator you may not be able to use some of these commands.

Posts : 177
Join date : 2013-04-09
Age : 28
Location : Sweden

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